The problem for Men

2 min readOct 5, 2023

Is they’re given such a poor roadmap to existing. I have a ton of empathy for my brother and my son. And yes: my boyfriend and even my ex husband.

If I thought society gave women a poor set of rules to live by (true though that may be) : I think men are given a pretty bad set; too.

First of all: they are subtly told to be less than human by not being allowed to have equal displays of emotion. Yet: only men who are ‘emotionally available’ ever really land women. Where to lie on that spectrum: they spend a lifetime figuring out.

Next: they compete in a world where nearly everyone worships technology. A guy not liking technology is like a woman not liking makeup: an anomaly. He shamefully hides behind ‘oh I’m happy with my simple phone’ because he doesn’t want to say that he simply cannot be bothered to keep up.

His sense of self worth is always tied to his money. This programming comes in real early. Earn money – be respected. So it’s not his morals, self respect, talent, empathy or compassion that he is asked to nurture : but just somehow take in a ton of cash.

That has – historically – brought respect, money and a place at the table.

And then we let women enter the market and compete with men and well– turn into men in an effort to compete with them.

And then wonder why there is less compassion and kindness in the world.

It began with us. With our inability to sit with ourselves, simplicity and a little less. We shoved it on our men. Who gave it back to us. And now we’re in this whirlpool wondering who’s going to fix the problem.

